Former and current guests
- November-December 2010: Dr. Alexander Cherny, JINR, Russia.
Dr. Alexander Cherny visited the CTCP in November-December 2010 and gave a talk on "Drag Force and Hess-Fairbank Effect in the One-Dimensional Bose Gas ".
- October-November 2010: Dr. Mirian Tsulaia, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK.
Dr. Mirian Tsulaia visited the CTCP in October-November 2010 and gave a talk on string theory entitled "From particles to branes".
- September 2009: Richard F. W. Bader, McMaster University, Canada.
Professor Richard Bader visited the CTCP in September 2009 and gave two
seminars entitled "From Dalton to Schrödinger to Atoms in Molecules" and
"Nearsightedness as seen by a chemist and a physicist".
- July 2009: Gernot Frenking, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.
Professor Gernot Frenking visited the CTCP in July 2009 and gave two seminars
entitled "Molecules with unusual chemical bonding situations - A Challenge for
Theory and Experiment" and "The Nature of the Chemical Bond: Old Question, New
- May 2009: Kirk Peterson, Washington State University, USA.
Professor Kirk Peterson visited the CTCP in May 2009 and gave a seminar
entitled "The development and use of correlation consistent basis sets:
Fundamentals and application to accurate thermochemistry and potential energy
- February 2009: Rodney J. Bartlett, University of Florida, USA.
Professor Rod Bartlett visited the CTCP in February 2009 and gave three seminars
entitled "Coupled-cluster Theory: The Emergence of a New Paradigm in Quantum
Chemistry", "Is bigger really better? Some coupled-cluster approaches for large
molecules", and "NMR coupling constants: The role for predictive theory".
- November 2008: Philip R. Bunker, National Research Council Canada, Canada.
Researcher Emeritus Dr Phil Bunker visited the CTCP in November 2008 and gave a
four part lecture on "Molecular Spectroscopy and Symmetry".